Applying box shadows in a React Native app is not always straightforward. Because developers must build for both Android and iOS platforms, applying consistent box shadows with different platform-specific implementation processes can be tedious. n this article, we will learn how to implement box shadows in a React Native app…
react-native iOS app not showing static/local assets (images) after deploying (Solved)
I have all my static images in a folder called “images” in the root of my project. However, after I run the following command to bundle my app, the app works but no image is shown. The command I use to bundle: Note that the assets folder is created and…
No bundle URL present in react native iOS (Solved)
What is the meaning of ‘No bundle URL present’ in react-native? What is the meaning of ‘No bundle URL present’ in react-native? Make sure you’re running a packager server or have include a .jsbundle file in your applicationbundle. Error Building the app in release mode “main.jsbundle does not exist If…