BMI Calculator


The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator is a useful tool for calculating BMI values and determining corresponding weight status, considering age as a factor. It offers two tabs for calculation: "Metric Units" for the International System of Units and "US Units" for calculations based on US standards. Below, we elaborate on both options:

Metric Units Tab:

This tab is designed for users who prefer the International System of Units. It calculates BMI based on height in meters and weight in kilograms.

US Units Tab:

This tab is tailored for users who prefer the US standard units. It calculates BMI using height in inches and weight in pounds.

By selecting the appropriate tab and providing the required measurements, users can quickly determine their BMI value and understand their weight status in accordance with age considerations.

Body Mass Index is used to estimate your total amount of fat. It is only an approximate measure of the best weight for your health.

This calculator is designed for men and women over the age of 18.

A healthy BMI for an adult is between 20 and 25. For older Australians over the age of 74 years, your general health may be more important than being mildly overweight. Some researchers have suggested that a BMI range of 22-26 is acceptable for older Australians.

What your BMI means

Once you have measured your BMI, you can determine your healthy weight range. If your BMI is:

1. Under 18.5 - you are very underweight and possibly malnourished.

2. 18.5 to 24.9 - you have a healthy weight range for young and middle-aged adults.

3. 25.0 to 29.9 - you are overweight

4. Over 30 - you are obese.